





Bemutatkozás: Thanks for checking out my page. I am a mature versatile guy from Essex in the UK and I love to show off in front of the camera ..... Well that is probably obvious from the fact I am posting videos here on xHamster lol. Sometimes I am Mike, sometimes I am Lucy but I am always horny. Depending on the situation and the mood I can be anything from the Dom Master Mike or Domme Bitch Lucy, right through to being a sissy slut Lucy or chastity sub Mike. I don;t like to limit my options and every role has different rewards so why limit my fun. My girlfriend Lisa is likes to play and swap roles just as much as I do so it is a perfect partnership in perversion. Lisa has her own channel here on xHamster at http://xhamster.com/users/essex_girl_lisa please go check her out too. I hope you enjoy all of my videos and don't forget to hit the thumbs up like button on the videos and leave comments, it all helps. xXx Mike / Lucy xXx UPDATE APRIL 2021 - Deleted Videos You may have noticed that some of my videos have been deleted recently. This is because we fell foul of xHamsters terms and conditions. Some of our videos were posted on my profile and Lisa's but we did not realize this duplication was not allowed by xHamster. We have been working with the moderation team at xHamster and we are now going through a process of deleting one copy of each of the duplicated videos. If your favourite video has been deleted from my profile then please go and check out Lisa's profile as it will still be over there http://xhamster.com/users/essex_girl_lisa


Thanks for checking out my page.

I am a mature versatile guy from Essex in the UK and I love to show off in front of the camera ..... Well that is probably obvious from the fact I am posting videos here on xHamster lol.

Sometimes I am Mike, sometimes I am Lucy but I am always horny.

Depending on the situation and the mood I can be anything from the Dom Master Mike or Domme Bitch Lucy, right through to being a sissy slut Lucy or chastity sub Mike. I don;t like to limit my options and every role has different rewards so why limit my fun.

My girlfriend Lisa is likes to play and swap roles just as much as I do so it is a perfect partnership in perversion. Lisa has her own channel here on xHamster at http://xhamster.com/users/essex_girl_lisa please go check her out too.

I hope you enjoy all of my videos and don't forget to hit the thumbs up like button on the videos and leave comments, it all helps.

xXx Mike / Lucy xXx

UPDATE APRIL 2021 - Deleted Videos

You may have noticed that some of my videos have been deleted recently. This is because we fell foul of xHamsters terms and conditions. Some of our videos were posted on my profile and Lisa's but we did not realize this duplication was not allowed by xHamster.

We have been working with the moderation team at xHamster and we are now going through a process of deleting one copy of each of the duplicated videos.

If your favourite video has been deleted from my profile then please go and check out Lisa's profile as it will still be over there http://xhamster.com/users/essex_girl_lisa
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